Service Provider Network Application

Provider Information

Contact Information

Physical Business Address
If your organization has multiple physical locations to credential under a single TIN/EIN, please list each using the "Add" option below

Billing (Pay To) Address, if different from Physical Business Address
The billing contact is the provider contact responsible for batching and posting invoices in the homeAlign platform. This contact will also serve as the primary contact for provider payments. The billing contact receives all invoice and billing-related system notifications from homeAlign platform.
Billing/ Accounting Point of Contact 

Primary Point of Contact (Name of Person Completing the Form)
The primary contact is the main point of contact for homeAlign, insurance carriers, and clients when the provider needs to be reached. This contact receives ALL system notifications from the homeAlign platform.

Referral Point of Contact (if different from primary)
The referral contact is the provider contact associated with management of homeAlign service referrals. The referral contact receives all referral-related system notifications, such as referral assignment and referral escalation notifications.

Credentialing Point of Contact (if different from primary)
The credentialing contact is the provider contact who homeAlign works with throughout the credentialing and re-credentialing process.  This contact will also be the primary contact for any compliance or credentialing-related escalations.  The credentialing contact receives all credentialing-related system notifications from the homeAlign platform.

Does your company maintain policies and/or procedures for the following:
Yes No
Please provide details and/or upload pertinent documentation
  1. State license (If required by the state) 
  2. W-9 
  3. COI (If you are not required to have these insurances per your state, please respond with "not required for our agency.”) 
a. General Liability 
b. Workers Compensation 
c. Employer Liability 
d. Crime Liability 
e. Auto Liability 
f. Privacy Liability 

Credentialing Documentation:

To expedite the credentialing process, please upload the following documentation (if applicable). Multiple files supported by selecting "Upload additional licensure documentation"

If licensure is not required per your state, please select "not required by the state.”
Add additional files by selecting "Upload additional..." below

If these insurances are not required per your state, please select "not required by the state.”
Add additional files by selecting "Upload additional..." below

By checking this box, you are attesting to the fact that, to your knowledge, all information presented in this application is true and accurate.